NCAA Rule Changes 2004

There are 9 major rule changes and 53 editorial changes. This year there are changes to a couple of personal foul rules, further strengthening of the illegal substitution rules, a couple of changes to rule 1, and the head coach can now call a timeout.

1-4-5-m Gloves cannot have any additional material that connects any of the fingers and/or thumb
1-4-9-c Exception 3 A camera, with no audio component, may be attached to cables that hang over the team area
3-3-4 The head coach may request a timeout
3-5-2-e Team A no longer has to snap the ball to create a defensive disadvantage when rushing quickly to the line after substituting.
6-1-2-a Penalty and 10-2-2-e Exception 5 Team A encroachment on a free kick may be enforced from the end of Team B's run
7-3-8-c-4 There is no Team B pass interference when a Team A kicker simulates a scrimmage kick
9-1-2-o Team B player who is blocked into a passer is not penalized for roughing
9-1-2-q No defensive player who runs forward and leaps in an obvious attempt to block a field goal or try may land on an opponent
11-2-1-d The number of the player committing the foul shall be announced if the referee is equipped with a microphone

The full report is available online (PDF 294k).